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Phyllis Jarrell,
Purchasing Agent
52 West Chambers Street
Forsyth, Georgia 31029
Office Hours
Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm
The Purchasing Department is a member of the administrative services team of Monroe County. The county Purchasing Agent is charged with the responsibility of assuring fair and equitable treatment to all vendors without regard to political pressure or discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap, or sex.
Statement of Purpose
– To provide the best service possible to all County departments in a fair and equitable manner
– To ensure an atmosphere of equality to all vendors without regard to undue influence or political pressures
– To protect the interests of the Monroe County taxpayers in all expenditures
Why Are We Here
It is the duty of this department to furnish supplies, equipment and services, when needed, to the various departments in the required quality and quantity, at the best possible price. This is accomplished by standardization, competitive bidding on the basis of adequate specifications, whenever practical, and cooperative purchasing.
Our Duties
– Auctions of Surplus Property
– Cooperative Purchasing Arrangements
– Physical Inventory of fixed assets
– Maintaining Surplus Property Warehouse
P.O. Box 189
38 West Main Street
Forsyth, GA 31029