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Monroe County Commissioners Object to City of Forsyth’s Proposed Annexation

The Monroe County Board of Commissioners, on Friday, July 17, approved an objection to the City of Forsyth’s proposed annexation requested by developer, H&H Timberlands, LLC. H&H Timberlands is requesting that the City of Forsyth annex over 1,000 acres into the city limits of Forsyth.

On July 7, 2020, H&H representative Tye Hanna informed the Commission that the purpose of the annexation was so that the City of Forsyth would serve the property with waste water treatment. He also informed the Commission that waste water treatment was essential so that the property could be developed into an Industrial, Commercial and High-density residential development. The land requested to be annexed is currently zoned agricultural and is surrounded by residentially zoned properties, homes and other agricultural properties. If approved, the development would be the single largest development in Monroe County and would increase the City of Forsyth’s land size by over 27 percent.

H&H’s proposed zoning and land use is substantially different from the tract’s current zoning and land use, is substantially more dense than the surrounding area, and is in violation of the City and County’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the City and the County’s Service Delivery Strategy.

This proposed development is a development of regional impact. However, the City has chosen, so far, to ignore the development of regional (“DRI”) impact rules. These rules require DRI review prior to an annexation decision. In a letter dated July 15, 2020, the Middle Georgia Regional Commission agreed with the County that the City must submit this project as a development of regional impact prior to considering annexation.

Monroe County is not opposed to development, but the development must be done responsibly. Giving a developer an unrestricted Highway Business or M-1 zoning designation as the City seemingly is preparing to do for over 1,000 acres in the County is irresponsible. Allowing the City to extend its borders over 4 miles into unincorporated Monroe County for a development of this magnitude when the City has no voters in the area to hold them accountable is irresponsible.

Monroe County is committed to ensuring that the interests of the residents of Monroe County not only in this area but in the entire county are protected and given a voice throughout this process.

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E-Verify ID: 47019 | Date Issued: 7-10-2007

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