Welcome to Monroe County, GA


513 Strickland Loop East
Forsyth, Georgia 31029

Office Hours
Monday – Thursday
7:30am–12pm & 12:30pm-5pm
*Cell area closes at 3:45pm*

7:30am–12pm & 12:30pm-4pm 
*Cell area closes at 2:45pm*

*Cell area closes at 10:45am*

Waste Management Landfill

The Monroe County Municipal Solid Waste Landfill plays a very important role to our community. The purpose of the landfill is to provide a user-friendly alternative to the disposal of various material and household waste that is generated directly from Monroe County citizens. The landfill coexists with the Recycle Centers throughout the county. The landfill provides a more resourceful method for the disposal of large bulky items and large volumes of waste material from one source. In addition, the landfill provides an on site Yard Trimming collection area that is converted into mulch and is free of charge to all Monroe County Residents.

**Cell area closes an hour and 15 minutes prior to closing time due to Environmental Protection Division(EPD) rules. Please read the red box below for further details.  Operating hours may vary due to holidays.**

E-Verify ID: 47019 | Date Issued: 7-10-2007

Copyright © 2024 Monroe County Board of Commissioners | Site Design by MGRC